
Showing posts from July 22, 2020

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  I want to raise awareness of a superb, Dementia Care podcast that is readily available here or from wherever you go for your podcasts. Created by the exceptional Lauren Mahakian, each podcast explores the spectrum of dementia and dementia care in practical, down-to-earth terms. The content is made very accessible in a way that will educate and support carers, friends and family, whatever their perspective may be. There’s a back-catalogue of thought provoking editions going back to 2019 which shares knowledge and demonstrates what is possible when you have the dedication and courage to think outside the box.

The Power of Artwork Part 2: We are our Memories

Photo by Luiz Medeiros For th e last 13 years I’ve spent mo st of my time and effort designing products to support people living with dementi a, and one of the first things I learnt was how changes in visual perception are critically influential. My initial dementia-design challe nge was creating internal signs that were highly visible and easier to interpret for people who live with dementia. Essentially I created two types: signs for toilets and bathrooms, and signs that enable people to identify their own room. My d esigns have been used all around the world and there are literally millions of examples whi ch observe this design – the difference tends to be the quality of materials and execution but they all follow the same visual construct. Working with the signage took me all over the place and I met some brilliant people, literally. One particularly brilliant University professor in Scotland was responsible for my reminiscence epiphany! The first time we met we talked for may...